RPG Games
You may be passionate about making video games ,but passion is not enough , knowledge is the key to everything, when saying game development you need to specify what kind of games you are targeting, and what platform is your game for. This may be redilious and very basic question you ever been told , but believe me you can't just develop a game without knowing even what your game type is.
This article is about video game types, more specifically, it's about RPG games , so what does the acronym RPG mean and what is it all about , what does a developer need to know while developing RPGs , is it a storytelling as somebody is saying or there's a message behind to discover while playing?
In this Blog I will try to clear up the measures and answer any question that pops up in your head , I will go through the following :
- I What Does RPG means
- II Purpose
- III Development
-I RPG :
Role Playing Game , it means that the player assumes the role of the game character in settings section before starting the game, and here the player should act like his chosen character role while telling the game story .
So RPG games are all about giving the players the choice to choose which role they want to play, and this is a strong idea where developers or game makers are offering more confidentiality to the gamer .
-II Purpose :
As it 's name refer to, it 's a role playing, so we are talking here about interactivity more than the game storytelling, it's a crucial point for developers to make the difference while developing , so it kind of interactive and collaborative story, events,characters that gives a sense to a narrative experience,
-III Developer speech:
After we discussed what is RPG about and what should a developer focus on , now we pass to the developing process , and the famous question how to develop an RPG game .
As any game dev process , a story is required but in for RPGs is not that important to a developer as how to let the player intercat and what are the scenario must be included in the game , without talking too much let's get into it with a good example .
Game example:
I will not talk about the game art side and the required graphism , it's measurable to the game goals , I will only explain the interactivity and the programming side , so if you are struggling with your game , don't know how to code it , this blog is absolutely for you .
Let's say that we are developing a 3D RPG game for mobile using unity3d with C# as programming language .
first thing first you need to split your game idea to code sections , it means you need the following:
1- Basic character movement
2- Basic animation
3- Enemy AI
4- Combat
5- winning/losing scenes .
Put in mind that I'm making a complete tutorial about RPG for free here .
1- For basic mouvement you need to use the NavMeshAgent you can read more about it here, but in addition it's a very crucial component which when I discovered it I felt that I really missed a lot before, it helps you adding some ùagic AI to your character player , so you don't need to go through the basic old implementation mouvement .
2 - after that add any suitable animation to your character and here you need to follow my video
3 - Enemy AI :
what we mean with AI is that we want our enemy to walk in a specific area randomly and then once we get closer , it must chase us and attack us, this three concepts are called( Enemy patrolling,chasing,attacking AI) and here some free tutorial you can watch
from Dave yt channel and the famous Brackeys.
4 - Combat , means that we are in the third enemy AI part , you need :
- health bar
- attack animation
- Collisions
- if health != 0 then destroy GameObject.
find all details here Brackeys .
Whether you win or you lose you need to load the required game scene and so on .
RPG games are the type of games where developers should focus on the interactivity more than the story itself, it actually takes a long time to develop more than it seems , a developer needs to know the whole development process before starting to avoid any kind of interruptions later.
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