Code your game like a Pro


this article is about making games with unity3D

Do you think making games has a secret ingredient ? or all you need is a good practice ?
Well as a developer it did take me so long to understand that you will do nothing all alone , as humain being we need each other and we need to share experience to progress, growing toghether is growning faster and safer.
this why I'm writing this article , and I'm one hundred per cent sure that I will help somebody from somewhere.
So in order to be able to  develop  games what ever you intentions are from that  ,you need to go throught some steps , which are :

 - Mastering a programing language
 - Enroll to paid courses
 - Join Communities 
 - Join game jams
these steps will take you  from zero to hero and I will explain each one separatly .

1)  You can't ignore this point of learning programing langages , for unity you have a choice between csharp and JavaScript, personnaly I use C# you can find a lot of resource in Google , unity Documentation  , website like  unitycodemonkey and brackeys youtube channel helped me a lot in my beginning to understand concepts of C# in unity , there are to many resources not just those.

2) Enrolling for online courses is a powerfull key that accelerates your level , for some people it may seems that YoutTube is quitly enough , but it is not enough EVER , and for sure there is plenty of plantforms that share each day new lessons , personnaly I'm a loyal buyer from Udemy  .

3) Join communities , I said learning toghether is growing faster , so communities help you finding exactly same people in the same mindset zone of yours , meeting a lot of game dev in a Discord server is not only motivated , it gives the opportunity to work on something toghether in a teamwork , I love these communities specially people from Clubhouse , where tech rooms there are really valuable.

4) Join game jams last and not least , jams enhance your skills , you will know exactly what you are good at and what you need to develop more , not only that but who knows from a single game idea to a big game company , you will make powerful connections froms jams and it's really worth it .

As a conclusion, Indie Game Development is a journey full of hard working ,practicing and full of fun since it's a self experienced , it's always a dream that you belong to. 


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