Wrecked Prefab

Before reading this article ,I will suppose that you have a basic knowledge about prefabs, if not , no worries I already made a post in which I explained what is prefab and how to implement it , find my post here. also you can find a plenty of free courses everywhere in the internet , just googled them.
Now, supposing that we have a simple scenario of :
  - A robot ( which is going to be wrecked or destroyed ) 
  - A turret that pushes projectiles 
  - And some smoke for a special effects.

We want to hit the robot and turn it into small pieces throwing everywhere in the ground, I imported the project to a GitHub repository ( make sure to follow me for any future projects I would share) .
you can download the prefab system only and import it to unity drop it to the scene view ( make some other changes if it's required) and hit play, your robot will destroyed in a second.
You can also download the Initiating Prefabs Example folder ( I found it here ) it has some assets and script you may need in your future project , try to implement whatever you want with assets and boom , here you just learnt  a new thing


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